Blog Archive

02 December 2008


boston was a good time but it made for creaky bones & achy muscles due to the constant snapdragon carrying & sitting in a cars in slow poke traffic. i also blame boston for my & my snapdragon's headcold which resulted from her crying a lot due to what i have been calling tough love; as in i want to love you, oh you don't like it? tough!
i know this sounds extreme & ungrateful but you must admit it's a tad funny that i say this. the reason i have raised dogs is because i know dogs are the only creatures (that i have thus far tried this on) who will accept your love however way you want to give it. think on that a sec. another person no matter how much you love them will not always be accepting of your love or how you love. this is also why i love my boyos so much because they accept my love in it's crazy fashion even if these days they don't get as much hug time as they used to. they, instead, get to kiss the snapdragon all the time. but i, once again, digress...
so the trip in part made me all achey, since i had no training & since i have a head cold, no training today either. plus i knew i was sick monday morning when my joints hurt, a sure sign of something afoot! [joints hurt in a different & expected way when training]
but my heart is loose & full, as my tummy was, from seeing friends & family & their wonderful kids. i have always enjoyed kids, other people's kids. but i am enjoying them in a different way now & i have such respect for the parents who raise what i consider great kids (subjective, i know) but luckily all the kids in my life are great & i cannot wait to see what they do next! including of course my own snapdragon who is a wonder in & of herself.
there was a lot of reminiscing about the past that makes the heart ache too. not for lost things as much as how i wish things were with people i love. but part of growing up is acceptance, gratitude & allowing yourself to believe that we are all connected & we can once again be as close as we ever were once our ownership issues are set aside. therein lies the trick of it all!

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