Blog Archive

18 April 2008

time is a fun funny thing

here i am: my last day at the office [although i will be working from home next week to help further transition heng cheng who is a good friend covering my maternity leave] & i can't believe that this is already the last day. of course there were many days before week 37 where i wished i didn't have to go to the office, schlepping myself & the snapdragon up & down all the subway stairs amongst pushy
of course there is so much to do & who knows what the snapdragon's actual plan is. we could be looking at anytime between now & 5 weeks from now (2 weeks after due date when doctors must do something to move things along). it's quite a wide margin. i was worried i would be bored, twiddling my thumbs at home but really now that i think about it we have much to do! lots to sort out! prep, prep, prep. hee3.
i am just rolling with things. i decided a while back to just be in the moment & see how things go & that's exactly what i hope i can do!
funny aside, my doctor who was also preggers delivered her baby a couple of days ago! earlier than anticipated (her first) so i will be delivered by another doctor at the practice & i know them all so it's fine. it's just another example of not knowing what to expect & that we are better off not expecting anything & just running with it.
this is also the first summer i will have off in a long time (paid! the first ever) so i am looking forward to great days that have already began appearing, giving us a sneak preview of what is to come. spring is a lovely time.
so it is my last day at escuela & i cannot say i am gonna miss it at all. my boss took cheng & i out for lunch & gave me pressies for the kid. supercool. it will be added to my inventory of sorts.
heng ji is coming over to the office to meet me & take home some stuff i have been stockpiling. also training tonite was cancelled due to the temple excursion to the opening night showing of forbidden kingdom. a separate group of us will be seeing it on sunday post ceremony. [the 2nd i will attend as a student in hiatus] i am looking forward to hanging out with the gang though i must admit i worry about sitting still for a 2hr+ movie!
we have all kinds of things going on this weekend. this weekend marks the beginning of the endless weekend! ha! as if! eh, i will have fun regardless. i think boy bunny & toner may be quite confused at first! i imagine my body & schedule may be confused too.
more chi!

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