Blog Archive

20 April 2009

it has been a while

that is my mantra these days. yesterday we were at the USA shaolin temple for heng ji's testing & we made it a point to get there superearly so we could play before the test. after a little stretching & running back & forth with snapo & the ball she was kicking around, i decided to do some caijaos across the floor & man it felt really great! heng ji couldn't believe i could do caijaos in my jeans but it was rather effortless. it was fun. it was more that i had to keep an eye on snapo that kept me from doing other stuff. ah well. i could use more exercise, i am well aware of it. at least the good weather is upon us again (if i am not to judge the rain coming down right now & chilly feel in the air) which means we can stretch & train in the park again & i can hone in on the forms i have neglected for a while including the bit of tai chi i learned last fall. gotta work on basics too. get everything sharp sharp sharp again. must work on my cardio. i was considering getting a jump rope or doing more sprints with either boyo (both spells disaster as they go at different speeds). not that running around after snapo doesn't help. at the playground she is go-go-go (often under the contraptions so i get to work my mabu or as my mom calls it my old chinaman sit) & i do work up a sweat, believe it or not. my arms are sure feeling the brunt of taking care of her though especially when she is all squirmous & doesn't want to be held. the joints need stretching & warming everyday. while i am at it, i also need a haircut. teehee. yes it has been a while for all these things & more. in the meantime, more chi!

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