Blog Archive

23 January 2008

a spike

honestly with that title this could be about anything! i am specifically talking about a spike in my weight. having just returned from my monthly doc app't, i learned today to my shock & chagrin that i have gained quite a bit of weight between this month's app't & last month's app't. this weight luckily doesn't show up anywhere else other than the tummy but still i was stunned. i actually had them weigh me twice, just in case.
this is caused by several factors - eh, preggers; no shaolin training & no gym activity (though i never did that gym thang before); too many meals right before bed possibly; heng ji wants me to add sugar which may be sitting with me differently these days.
so as i was retelling this story of woe to my mom, who incidentally called to say that if she knew the baby girl's name, she would use it in her prayers instead of the moniker she had dubbed it (sorry everyone must wait, it's only fair), my brother who was nearby texted me:
fatty fat, fat, fat, fat, fat
precisely what i was thinking, the jerk!
i am not exactly just sitting around all day. i am pretty active. also these so called prenatal classes aren't remotely for fitness as they are to keep you moving. granted i could be moving in that direction instead of just walking my dogs which people don't understand to mean walking the dogs around a hilly park or in the streets for at least a couple of hours a day. when people hear walking the dog they think a walk to the corner. it's so not like that. but ah well i must train harder not to let this glitch repeat itself. i would hate to get sick or to have a big baby though both heng ji & i were large babies ourselves.
so back to maternal dance, which should satisfy something in the fitness category. next week i am checking out a prenatal yoga place i have heard about. we shall see.
otherwise, everything else is rockin'! genetic testwise - the anatomy scan was really good & the quad test was also good. percentagewise it was excellent. heard the baby girl's strong heartbeat again & scheduled for the next 2 app'ts (now 3 weeks apart) now that i am in the week 25. next up a test for gestational diabetes & a recheck of the iron i am somewhat borderline low in. just typical normal stuffy stuff.
much to do: finding a pediatrician, hopefully someone can recommend someone & reading up on various things along with scheduling a hospital tour, lamaze classes or whatever technique we decide on, research, research, research. so much actually. we'll have to take it in stride. & that's just on the baby end.
there are other ends, as you know, the niederwelt end, the heng ji end, the boyos end. equal time i think is needed.
to that: MORE CHI!

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