Blog Archive

18 January 2008

send me a pic, they say

it's very strange that most of my friends who don't live in die niederwelt want me to send along a photo of me preggers. in part i think it's because they never thought they would see the day (they aren't alone) & also in part because i have always been on the svelte side - thanks to run around activity, genetics & luck - but it does not cease to surprise me how adamant friends are about my sending or posting a photo.
i do not have such a photo. yet. i spoke to heng ji about it & maybe we can sort something out, at least one now that i am soon to start the 3rd part of this adventure & it may be good to actually document it. sparingly.
but rest assured that i haven't changed that much except for the belly & parts above.
these are expected to return to normal post baby. what i mean by that is that i am going to train harder! using erluquan to get back to my normal size & shape. yeah more chi!
speaking of which, heng ji checked with sifu & yes! i can attend the private bday party this year despite my not being an active student (for the obvious reasons). he signed me up to bring bruschetta. it's great to contribute some food or something to the party since it's for sifu. i am very excited. i think it's mid feb or sometime.
it should be fun. good clean sober fun for me but hell! i will be with the shaolin gang (always a good time) & we can dance!
heng ji & i got into a row at last years' festivities but naturally we made up. how funny! look how things have changed from then to now! & the changes will just keep on coming!
yes change is the only constant [someone said].
in the meantime we have a long weekend ahead of us - MLK Day - already there are shaolin related events & lots of planned sleeping in & carousing (should the weather cooperate). an extra day is always wonderful. if only to sleep & hang about with the boyos.
i am bit concerned that there may be a ghost in the house or something. whenever i come home machiavelli is always ears pulled back, gay paw dangling, with a bit of the tremblies. he is often downstairs by the kitchen. except last night, he was hanging out in the bathroom upstairs. tenzin is always in bed when i get home, doing his classic yerp in response to calling him out! i wonder if it's the construction across the way, the nachbarn going in & out, or is it they are not yet used to the place? yesterday was our 1 mo anniversary in our new digs. hooray!
anyway, i hope it gets better.
heng ji & i will chill tonight, catch up on some netflix or whatever is on the idiotbox, hopefully finally be online & have dinner zusammen. maybe sort out the pic thang. maybe.

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